Wednesday, May 6, 2009


dating to me seems to get harder the older you get. when i first started talking to guys and having boyfriends it was much easier for me to find somebody that i liked, but i guess because I'm getting older and pickier and I'm coming to the understanding of what a "boyfriend" should look like its harder for me to find a "guy". the type of guys that i dated when i was younger was "the gangsters". i liked the exciting life that they held, and the fact that they were known, respected and so many people were afraid of them.growing up i always felt as though i was more matured for my age, and even now i still feel the same way. but i could look at myself and see a that I'm older i like guys with more appropriate personalities that i can have an intellectual conversation with,dress nice,family orientated,tall and funny.i just don't find anything interesting in a person that cant apply themselves anymore.
this friday im suppose to be going out on a date, i've been talking to this guy for a little while now, and alothough i know that he's not the right guy for me, and that we'll never be together, something about him just wont let me let him go, i think its because he always keeps a smile on my face, even when im mad at him. like he brings out the kid in me.

1 comment:

td said...

oooh, that's tomorrow night! have fun! :)